2022 Ballot Talk
The BIPOC Alliance hosted a community conversation around the State of Colorado and Larimer County ballot measures. We forgot to record the conversation for folks to hear varying community perspectives, however, we are sharing the gathered information to help inform and empower equitable voting. Email us if you'd like to chat!!
Sheriff Accountability in Larimer County
This workshop was made possible through a collaboration with Fort Collins Community Action Network (FCCAN), Communities for Sheriff Accountability, and Faith in Action.
Attendees learned:
the general history of Sheriffs
A Sheriff's role in communities
how you can organize locally & hold Sheriffs accountable
The session included a case study, information on how to take local action, and insight into additional training available. Larimer County elected a new sheriff for 2023.
August 2022
Fort Collins City Budget Analysis
This workshop, in collaboration with FCCAN, provided a brief overview of the Fort Collins city budget process and priority areas determined by the city.
Small group, facilitated conversations enabled attendees explore & dissect the priority areas and determine alignment with true community needs as seen by service providers.
This opportunity resulted in thorough feedback to the city of Fort Collins' budgeting process.
This workshop:
informed and educated attendees about the Fort Collins city budget process
provided a direct opportunity to provide feedback to city officials
empowered individuals to be more civically engaged
August 2022
Confronting Colorism & Anti-Blackness
a virtual series for Black and Latinx community members, facilitated by Assétou Xango and Celesté Martinez. This monthly series ran August - October.
Each session included a political education and racial equity training followed by racial caucuses.
The topics included:
What is colorism
Where does colorism come from
How does colorism influence our cultures
August - October 2022
The Black History of Yoga: Kemetic Yoga Class
"The practice of yoga was created by brown and Black people as a tool for spiritual growth, as a way to integrate the spiritual element with physical experience. Over time the practice has evolved into many different forms—some more accessible than others. Today, many people have a distinct expectation of what yoga should “look like”—an expectation that often has little to no connection to yoga’s roots." - Yoga International
Kemetic Yoga is a practice that encourages us to appreciate the precious gift of living in the human body. It is a practice of alchemical immensity capable of transforming our subconscious. It is a practice of self-mastery and discovery. Learn more about Kemetic Yoga at
June 2022
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Training
RCV is an election reform that shifts towards more equitable elections. It has been shown to lead to more candidates on the ballot, improved representation for People of Color, and more victories for candidates of color.
Right now, most elections (including the City of Fort Collins) use a plurality voting system. This means that the winner of an election is the candidate who received the highest number of votes—the candidate does not need an outright majority to be elected. Plurality voting, or the “winner-takes-all” approach, elevates district lines over voters.
RCV is considered for elections in the City of Fort Collins. While this is not a perfect solution, we believe it is a step in the right direction for conducting more fair and equitable elections that result in candidates that are more representative of their constituency.
May 2022
Together we explored sexism and fatphobia through the lens of the body, oppression, and radical self-love. A viewing of a pre-recorded talk by Sonya Renee Taylor, an activist, transformational leader, and author of The Body Is Not An Apology: The Power of Radical Self Love, set the stage for the conversation to unfold.
January 2022
América asiática: historia, representaciones y comunidad
La profesora Park Dahlen compartirá la historia de los asiáticos en los Estados Unidos, algunos hitos y desafíos significativos, y cuestiones de representación y equidad en la literatura infantil asiático-estadounidense.
Sarah Park Dahlen es profesora asociada en el Programa de Maestría en Biblioteconomía y Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de St. Catherine. Tiene una licenciatura y una maestría en estudios asiático-americanos de la UCLA y una maestría y un doctorado en biblioteconomía y ciencias de la información de la Universidad de Illinois. Su investigación aborda la diversidad en la literatura juvenil y la adopción asiática transracial.
30 participantes, público BIPOC y no BIPOC.
Serie Colorismo
BIPOC Alliance en Fort Collins presenta una serie de capacitación virtual para la comunidad Latinx sobre colorismo facilitada por Celesté Martinez. Esta serie incluirá: qué es el colorismo, de dónde viene y cómo influye en nuestras culturas.
Conducido por
Celesté Martinez es la fundadora y propietaria de Celestial Alegria, LLC. A través de Celestial Alegria, Celesté se compromete a encender la alegría a través de la transformación a través de su variedad de servicios que incluyen: coaching de vida, facilitación y consultoría de equidad racial. Celesté's se enfoca en crear condiciones y fortalecer habilidades para que sus clientes fomenten la equidad racial a través del desarrollo personal y colectivo. Como alguien comprometido con ser antirracista, Celesté es la mejor opción para asociarse cuando los clientes buscan llevar su trabajo DEI al siguiente nivel mediante la implementación de cambios estructurales y prácticas que realmente promueven la equidad racial.
50 participantes, audiencias Latinx.
Sin interseccionalidad, NO es equidad (y aún así, ninguno de nosotros es libre)
Muchas personas están confundidas acerca de lo que significa la interseccionalidad en la práctica (a menudo sin darse cuenta). Más allá de una palabra de moda y más allá de las identidades, la larga historia de organización de mujeres negras que condujo a las nociones actuales de interseccionalidad subraya su necesidad de promover la equidad y la liberación para todos.
La Dra. Cori Wong es oradora, escritora, educadora y consultora con 15 años de experiencia en capacitación y liderazgo relacionados con el feminismo interseccional, el antirracismo, la justicia social y el cambio cultural inclusivo. El Dr. Wong lidera los esfuerzos de diversidad, equidad e inclusión en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado. Obtuvo un doctorado de doble título en Filosofía y Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania y una licenciatura en Filosofía y Estudios Religiosos de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado.
65 participantes, público BIPOC y no BIPOC.