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Dandelions Rising

A youth leadership & liberation curriculum that guides 7-11-year-old Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and children of color to understand who they are and how they exist as gendered, racialized beings in their respective communities.

PLANT THE SEED: A Program for Parents


Parents of BIPOC children are invited to participate in a series of workshops that will help support the development of the Dandelions Rising youth program.

Parents are an integral part of planting seeds of instruction for the Dandelions Rising Program and we want to partner with you to make the program as successful as possible. 

If you are interested in participating, please complete the interest form.

The Program For Youth is set to launch in early Spring 2023.
Participating Youth will engage in the following workshops:

History, Culture, and Identity

Who are your ancestors?

Learn to value generational wealth and connect with elders to learn their stories. Learn our strengths and how we can become good ancestors ourselves.

What is our story?

Learn to tell your own story, and listen to the stories of others, appreciating cultures & histories


Loving Me, Loving You.

Learn gratitude for our bodies, brains, and feelings while building confidence & pride in family & social identity

Learning & Loving Community

Learn interpersonal skills through love stories about community and about the 'Loving and Loveless Lenses,' seeing real & true

Curriculum Developers

Information Update coming soon

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